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Scalaz(26)- Lens: 函数式不可变对象数据操作方式(四)
2017-10-10 12:13:23 】 浏览:3880
Tags:Scalaz Lens 函数 可变 对象 数据 操作 方式
Set the portion of the state viewed through the lens and return its new value.
*/ def assign(b: => B2): IndexedState[A1, A2, B2] = mods(_ => b) /** Set the portion of the state viewed through the lens and return its new value. */ def :=(b: => B2): IndexedState[A1, A2, B2] = assign(b) /** Set the portion of the state viewed through the lens and return its old value. * @since 7.0.2 */ def assigno(b: => B2): IndexedState[A1, A2, B1] = modo(_ => b) /** Set the portion of the state viewed through the lens and return its old value. alias for `assigno` * @since 7.0.2 */ def <:=(b: => B2): IndexedState[A1, A2, B1] = assigno(b) /** Modify the portion of the state viewed through the lens, but do not return its new value. */ def mods_(f: B1 => B2): IndexedState[A1, A2, Unit] = IndexedState(a => (mod(f, a), ())) /** Modify the portion of the state viewed through the lens, but do not return its new value. */ def %==(f: B1 => B2): IndexedState[A1, A2, Unit] = mods_(f) /** Contravariantly map a state action through a lens. */ def lifts[C](s: IndexedState[B1, B2, C]): IndexedState[A1, A2, C] = IndexedState(a => modp(s(_), a)) def %%=[C](s: IndexedState[B1, B2, C]): IndexedState[A1, A2, C] = lifts(s) /** Map the function `f` over the lens as a state action. */ def map[C](f: B1 => C): State[A1, C] = State(a => (a, f(get(a)))) /** Map the function `f` over the value under the lens, as a state action. */ def >-[C](f: B1 => C): State[A1, C] = map(f) /** Bind the function `f` over the value under the lens, as a state action. */ def flatMap[C](f: B1 => IndexedState[A1, A2, C]): IndexedState[A1, A2, C] = IndexedState(a => f(get(a))(a)) /** Bind the function `f` over the value under the lens, as a state action. */ def >>-[C](f: B1 => IndexedState[A1, A2, C]): IndexedState[A1, A2, C] = flatMap[C](f) /** Sequence the monadic action of looking through the lens to occur before the state action `f`. */ def ->>-[C](f: => IndexedState[A1, A2, C]): IndexedState[A1, A2, C] = flatMap(_ => f)


 1 nameL run peter                            //> res6: scalaz.IndexedStore[String,String,Exercises.LensDemo.Person] = Indexe  2                                            //| dStoreT((<function1>,Peter Chan))
 3 cityL run peter.address                    //> res7: scalaz.IndexedStore[Exercises.LensDemo.City,Exercises.LensDemo.City,E  4                                     //| xercises.LensDemo.Address] = IndexedStoreT((<function1>,City(ShenZhen,GuangDong)))
 5 val updateInfo = for {  6   _ <- ageL += 1
 7   zip <- addrL >=> zipL  8   _ <- (addrL >=> zipL) := zip + "A"
 9   _ <- nameL %= {n => n + " Junior"} 10   _ <- (addrL >=> cityL) := City("GuangZhou","GuangDong") 11   info <- get
12 } yield info                             //> updateInfo : scalaz.IndexedStateT[scalaz.Id.Id,Exercises.LensDemo.Person,E 13                                          //| xercises.LensDemo.Person,Exercises.LensDemo.Person] = scalaz.IndexedStateT$ 14                                          //| $anon$10@74a10858
15 updateInfo eva l peter                    //> res8: scalaz.Id.Id[Exercises.LensDemo.Person] = Person(Peter Chan Junior,21 16                                          //| ,4806111,Address(13 baoan road,40001A,City(GuangZhou,GuangDong)))


上面例子的 += 是NumericLens一项操作。NumericLens是这样定义的:

type NumericLens[S, N] = NumericLensFamily[S, S, N]
  val NumericLens: NumericLensFamily.type = NumericLensFamily
  /** Allow the illusion of imperative updates to numbers viewed through a lens */
  case class NumericLensFamily[S1, S2, N](lens: LensFamily[S1, S2, N, N], num:
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