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Linux CFS调度器之负荷权重load_weight--Linux进程的管理与调度(二十五)(一)
2019-09-01 23:10:33 】 浏览:63
Tags:Linux CFS 调度 负荷 权重 load_weight--Linux 进程 管理 二十五

1. 负荷权重

1.1 负荷权重结构struct load_weight

负荷权重用struct load_weight数据结构来表示, 保存着进程权重值weight。其定义在/include/linux/sched.h, v=4.6, L1195, 如下所示

struct load_weight {
    unsigned long weight;       /*  存储了权重的信息  */
    u32 inv_weight;                 /*   存储了权重值用于重除的结果 weight * inv_weight = 2^32  */

1.2 调度实体的负荷权重load

既然struct load_weight保存着进程的权重信息, 那么作为进程调度的实体, 必须将这个权重值与特定的进程task_struct, 更一般的与通用的调度实体sched_entity相关联

struct sched_entity作为进程调度的实体信息, 其内置了load_weight结构用于保存当前调度实体的权重, 参照http://lxr.free-electrons.com/source/include/linux/sched.h?v=4.6#L1195

struct task_struct
    /*  ......  */
    struct sched_entity se;
    /*  ......  */

因此我们就可以通过task_statuct->se.load获取负荷权重的信息, 而set_load_weight负责根据进程类型及其静态优先级计算符合权重.

2 优先级和权重的转换

2.1 优先级->权重转换表

一般这个概念是这样的, 进程每降低一个nice值(优先级提升), 则多获得10%的CPU时间, 没升高一个nice值(优先级降低), 则放弃10%的CPU时间.

为执行该策略, 内核需要将优先级转换为权重值, 并提供了一张优先级->权重转换表sched_prio_to_weight, 内核不仅维护了负荷权重自身, 还保存另外一个数值, 用于负荷重除的结果, 即sched_prio_to_wmult数组, 这两个数组中的数据是一一对应的.

其中相关的数据结构定义在kernel/sched/sched.h?v=4.6, L1132

//   http://lxr.free-electrons.com/source/kernel/sched/sched.h?v=4.6#L1132
 * To aid in avoiding the subversion of "niceness" due to uneven distribution
 * of tasks with abnormal "nice" values across CPUs the contribution that
 * each task makes to its run queue's load is weighted according to its
 * scheduling class and "nice" value. For SCHED_NORMAL tasks this is just a
 * scaled version of the new time slice allocation that they receive on time
 * slice expiry etc.

#define WEIGHT_IDLEPRIO                3              /*  SCHED_IDLE进程的负荷权重  */
#define WMULT_IDLEPRIO         1431655765   /*  SCHED_IDLE进程负荷权重的重除值  */

extern const int sched_prio_to_weight[40];
extern const u32 sched_prio_to_wmult[40];

// http://lxr.free-electrons.com/source/kernel/sched/core.c?v=4.6#L8484
* Nice levels are multiplicative, with a gentle 10% change for every
* nice level changed. I.e. when a CPU-bound task goes from nice 0 to
* nice 1, it will get ~10% less CPU time than another CPU-bound task
* that remained on nice 0.
* The "10% effect" is relative and cumulative: from _any_ nice level,
* if you go up 1 level, it's -10% CPU usage, if you go down 1 level
* it's +10% CPU usage. (to achieve that we use a multiplier of 1.25.
* If a task goes up by ~10% and another task goes down by ~10% then
* the relative distance between them is ~25%.)
const int sched_prio_to_weight[40] = {
/* -20 */     88761,     71755,     56483,     46273,     36291,
/* -15 */     29154,     23254,     18705,     14949,     11916,
/* -10 */      9548,      7620,      6100,      4904,      3906,
/*  -5 */      3121,      2501,      1991,      1586,      1277,
/*   0 */      1024,       820,       655,       526,       423,
/*   5 */       335,       272,       215,       172,       137,
/*  10 */       110,        87,        70,        56,        45,
/*  15 */        36,        29,        23,        18,        15,

* Inverse (2^32/x) values of the sched_prio_to_weight[] array, precalculated.
* In cases where the weight does not change often, we can use the
* precalculated inverse to speed up arithmetics by turning divisions
* into multiplications:
const u32 sched_prio_to_wmult[40] = {
/* -20 */     48388,     59856,     76040,     92818,    118348,
/* -15 */    147320,    184698,    229616,    287308,    360437,
/* -10 */    449829,    563644,    704093,    875809,   1099582,
/*  -5 */   1376151,   1717300,   2157191,   2708050,   3363326,
/*   0 */   4194304,   5237765,   6557202,   8165337,  10153587,
/*   5 */  12820798,  15790321,  19976592,  24970740,  31350126,
/*  10 */  39045157,  49367440,  61356676,  76695844,  95443717,
/*  15 */ 119304647, 148102320, 186737708, 238609294, 286331153,

对内核使用的范围[-20, 19

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