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2017-11-28 09:13:43 】 浏览:1398
Tags:矩阵 Eigen 使用 详解

C++矩阵库 Eigen 

最近需要用 C++ 做一些数值计算,之前一直采用Matlab 混合编程的方式处理矩阵运算,非常麻烦,直到发现了 Eigen 库,简直相见恨晚,好用哭了。Eigen是一个基于C++模板的线性代数库,直接将库下载后放在项目目录下,然后包含头文件就能使用,非常方便。此外,Eigen的接口清晰,稳定高效。唯一的问题是之前一直用 Matlab,对 Eigen 的 API 接口不太熟悉,如果能有 Eigen 和 Matlab 对应的说明想必是极好的,终于功夫不负有心人,让我找到了。

Eigen 矩阵定义


     A; // Fixed rows and cols. Same as Matrix3d. Matrix
      B; // Fixed rows, dynamic cols. Matrix
       C; // Full dynamic. Same as MatrixXd. Matrix
        E; // Row major; default is column-major. Matrix3f P, Q, R; // 3x3 float matrix. Vector3f x, y, z; // 3x1 float matrix. RowVector3f a, b, c; // 1x3 float matrix. VectorXd v; // Dynamic column vector of doubles // Eigen // Matlab // comments x.size() // length(x) // vector size C.rows() // size(C,1) // number of rows C.cols() // size(C,2) // number of columns x(i) // x(i+1) // Matlab is 1-based C(i,j) // C(i+1,j+1) //

Eigen 基础使用

// Basic usage
// Eigen        // Matlab           // comments
x.size()        // length(x)        // vector size
C.rows()        // size(C,1)        // number of rows
C.cols()        // size(C,2)        // number of columns
x(i)            // x(i+1)           // Matlab is 1-based
C(i, j)         // C(i+1,j+1)       //

A.resize(4, 4);   // Runtime error if assertions are on.
B.resize(4, 9);   // Runtime error if assertions are on.
A.resize(3, 3);   // Ok; size didn't change.
B.resize(3, 9);   // Ok; only dynamic cols changed.
A << 1, 2, 3,     // Initialize A. The elements can also be
     4, 5, 6,     // matrices, which are stacked along cols
     7, 8, 9;     // and then the rows are stacked.
B << A, A, A;     // B is three horizontally stacked A's.
A.fill(10);       // Fill A with all 10's.

Eigen 特殊矩阵生成

// Eigen                            // Matlab
MatrixXd::Identity(rows,cols)       // eye(rows,cols)
C.setIdentity(rows,cols)            // C = eye(rows,cols)
MatrixXd::Zero(rows,cols)           // zeros(rows,cols)
C.setZero(rows,cols)                // C = ones(rows,cols)
MatrixXd::Ones(rows,cols)           // ones(rows,cols)
C.setOnes(rows,cols)                // C = ones(rows,cols)
MatrixXd::Random(rows,cols)         // rand(rows,cols)*2-1        // MatrixXd::Random returns uniform random numbers in (-1, 1).
C.setRandom(rows,cols)              // C = rand(rows,cols)*2-1
VectorXd::LinSpaced(size,low,high)  // linspace(low,high,size)'
v.setLinSpaced(size,low,high)       // v = linspace(low,high,size)'

Eigen 矩阵分块

// Matrix slicing and blocks. All expressions listed here are read/write.
// Templated size versions are faster. Note that Matlab is 1-based (a size N
// vector is x(1)...x(N)).
// Eigen                           // Matlab
x.head(n)                          // x(1:n)
   ()                        // x(1:n)
x.tail(n)                          // x(end - n + 1: end)
    () // x(end - n + 1: end) x.segment(i, n) // x(i+1 : i+n) x.segment
     (i) // x(i+1 : i+n) P.block(i, j, rows, cols) // P(i+1 : i+rows, j+1 : j+cols) P.block
      (i, j) // P(i+1 : i+rows, j+1 : j+cols) P.row(i) // P(i+1, :) P.col(j) // P(:, j+1) P.leftCols
       () // P(:, 1:cols) P.leftCols(cols) // P(:, 1:cols) P.middleCols
        (j) // P(:, j+1:j+cols) P.middleCols(j, cols) // P(:, j+1:j+cols) P.rightCols
         () // P(:, end-cols+1:end) P.rightCols(cols) // P(:, end-cols+1:end) P.topRows
          () // P(1:rows, :) P.topRows(rows) // P(1:rows, :) P.middleRows
           (i) // P(i+1:i+rows, :) P.middleRows(i, rows) // P(i+1:i+rows, :) P.bottomRows
            () // P(end-rows+1:end, :) P.bottomRows(rows) // P(end-rows+1:end, :) P.topLeftCorner(rows, cols) // P(1:rows, 1:cols) P.topRightCorner(rows, cols) // P(1:rows, end-cols+1:end) P.bottomLeftCorner(rows, cols) // P(end-rows+1:end, 1:cols) P.bottomRightCorner(rows, cols) // P(end-rows+1:end, end-cols+1:end) P.topLeftCorner
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