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Github 开源项目(一)websocketd (实战:实时监控服务器内存信息)(一)
2018-10-19 15:54:27 】 浏览:999
Tags:Github 开源 项目 websocketd 实战 实时 监控 服务器 内存 信息

websocketd 是WebSocket守护进程,它负责处理WebSocket连接,启动您的程序来处理WebSockets,并在程序和Web浏览器之间传递消息。


wget https://github.com/joewalnes/websocketd/releases/download/v0.2.12/websocketd-0.2.12-linux_amd64.zip

unzip  websocketd-0.2.12-linux_amd64.zip


复制该文件到 /usr/bin目录下,修改环境变量

sudo cp websocketd /usr/bin/websocketd sudo vim /etc/profile export PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin/websocketd

可能出现的错误:如果修改了/etc/profile,那么编辑结束后执行source profile 或 执行点命令 ./profile,PATH的值就会立即生效了,但是会提示以下错误:

#source /etc/profile   之后为什么会出现
command not found

解决办法,直接切换到root 用户模式既可,再次执行source profile 就可以了,输入help 看是否配置合适,如下所示:

tinywan@tinywan:~/shell$ websocketd --help websocketd (0.2.12 (go1.6 linux-amd64) --) websocketd is a command line tool that will allow any executable program that accepts input on stdin and produces output on stdout to be turned into a WebSocket server. Usage: Export a single executable program a WebSocket server: websocketd [options] COMMAND [command args] Or, export an entire directory of executables as WebSocket endpoints: websocketd [options] --dir=SOMEDIR Options: --port=PORT HTTP port to listen on. --address=ADDRESS Address to bind to (multiple options allowed) Use square brackets to specify IPv6 address. Default: "" (all)

开启WebSocketd 服务Tinywan

tinywan@tinywan:~/shell$ websocketd --port=63800 ./count.sh Mon, 08 May 2017 17:26:50 +0800 | INFO   | server     |  | Serving using application   : ./count.sh Mon, 08 May 2017 17:26:50 +0800 | INFO   | server     |  | Starting WebSocket server   : ws://tinywan:8080/


#!/bin/bash for ((COUNT = 1; COUNT <= 10; COUNT++)); do
  echo $COUNT sleep 1


root@TinywanAliYun:/home/www/bin# websocketd --port=63800 ./count.sh Unable to locate specified COMMAND './count.sh' in OS path. Usage: Export a single executable program a WebSocket server: websocketd [options] COMMAND [command args] Or, export an entire directory of executables as WebSocket endpoints: websocketd [options] --dir=SOMEDIR Or, show extended help message using: websocketd --help


$ chmod +x ./count.sh


var ws = new WebSocket('ws://'); ws.onopen = function() { console.log('CONNECT'); }; ws.onclose = function() { console.log('DISCONNECT'); }; ws.onmessage = function(event) { console.log('MESSAGE: ' + event.data); };



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<h2>websocketd 客户端的简单测试</h2>
<pre id="log"></pre>
    // helper function: log message to screen
    function log(msg) { document.getElementById('log').textContent += msg + '\n'; } // setup websocket with callbacks
    var ws = new WebSocket('ws://'); ws.onopen = function() { console.log('CONNECT'); }; ws.onclose = function() { console.log('DISCONNECT'); }; ws.onmessage = function(event) { console.log('MESSAGE: ' + event
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