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FunDA(6)- Reactive Streams:Play with Iteratees、Enumerator and Enumeratees(一)
2017-10-09 14:30:10 】 浏览:3732
Tags:FunDA Reactive Streams Play with Iteratees Enumerator and Enumeratees


trait Step[E,+A] case class Done[+A,E](a: A, remain: Input[E]) extends Step[E,A] case class Cont[E,+A](k: Input[E] => InputStreamHandler[E,A]) extends Step[E,A] case class Error[E](msg: String, loc:Input[E]) extends Step[E,Nothing]


trait Input[+E] case class EL[E](e: E) extends Input[E] case object EOF extends Input[Nothing] case object Empty extends Input[Nothing]


trait Enumerator[E] { /** * Apply this Enumerator to an Iteratee */ def apply[A](i: Iteratee[E, A]): Future[Iteratee[E, A]] }


 /** * Creates an enumerator which produces the one supplied * input and nothing else. This enumerator will NOT * automatically produce Input.EOF after the given input. */ def enumInput[E](e: Input[E]) = new Enumerator[E] { def apply[A](i: Iteratee[E, A]): Future[Iteratee[E, A]] = i.fold { case Step.Cont(k) => eagerFuture(k(e)) case _ => Future.successful(i) }(dec) }

又或者通过构建器(constructor, apply)来构建Eumerator:

/** * Create an Enumerator from a set of values * * Example: * {{{ * val enumerator: Enumerator[String] = Enumerator("kiki", "foo", "bar") * }}} */ def apply[E](in: E*): Enumerator[E] = in.length match { case 0 => Enumerator.empty case 1 => new Enumerator[E] { def apply[A](i: Iteratee[E, A]): Future[Iteratee[E, A]] = i.pureFoldNoEC { case Step.Cont(k) => k(Input.El(in.head)) case _ => i } } case _ => new Enumerator[E] { def apply[A](i: Iteratee[E, A]): Future[Iteratee[E, A]] = enumerateSeq(in, i) } } /** * Create an Enumerator from any TraversableOnce like collection of elements. * * Example of an iterator of lines of a file : * {{{ * val enumerator: Enumerator[String] = Enumerator( scala.io.Source.fromFile("myfile.txt").getLines ) * }}} */ def enumerate[E](traversable: TraversableOnce[E])(implicit ctx: scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext): Enumerator[E] = { val it = traversable.toIterator Enumerator.unfoldM[scala.collection.Iterator[E], E](it: scala.collection.Iterator[E])({ currentIt =>
      if (currentIt.hasNext) Future[Option[(scala.collection.Iterator[E], E)]]({ val next = currentIt.next Some((currentIt -> next)) })(ctx) else Future.successful[Option[(scala.collection.Iterator[E], E)]]({ None }) })(dec) } /** * An empty enumerator */ def empty[E]: Enumerator[E] = new Enumerator[E] { def apply[A](i: Iteratee[E, A]) = Future.successful(i) } private def enumerateSeq[E, A]: (Seq[E], Iteratee[E, A]) => Future[Iteratee[E, A]] = { (l, i) => l.foldLeft(Future.successful(i))((i, e) => i.flatMap(it => it.pureFold { case Step.Cont(k) => k(Input.El(e)) case _ => it }(dec))(dec)) }


 val enumUsers: Enumerator[String] = { Enumerator("Tiger","Hover","Grand","John") //> enumUsers : play.api.libs.i
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