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element-ui Upload 上传组件源码分析整理笔记(十四)(二)
2019-09-17 15:21:23 】 浏览:73
Tags:element-ui Upload 上传 组件 源码 分析 整理 笔记 十四
s; this.onSuccess(res, file, this.uploadFiles); this.onChange(file, this.uploadFiles); } }, //文件上传失败后改用该方法,在该方法中调用用户设置的on-error和on-change方法,并将对应的参数传递出去 handleError(err, rawFile) { const file = this.getFile(rawFile); const fileList = this.uploadFiles; file.status = 'fail'; fileList.splice(fileList.indexOf(file), 1); this.onError(err, file, this.uploadFiles); this.onChange(file, this.uploadFiles); }, //文件列表移除文件时调用该方法 handleRemove(file, raw) { if (raw) { file = this.getFile(raw); } let doRemove = () => { this.abort(file); let fileList = this.uploadFiles; fileList.splice(fileList.indexOf(file), 1); this.onRemove(file, fileList); }; if (!this.beforeRemove) { doRemove(); } else if (typeof this.beforeRemove === 'function') { const before = this.beforeRemove(file, this.uploadFiles); if (before && before.then) { before.then(() => { doRemove(); }, noop); } else if (before !== false) { doRemove(); } } }, getFile(rawFile) { let fileList = this.uploadFiles; let target; fileList.every(item => { target = rawFile.uid === item.uid ? item : null; return !target; }); return target; }, abort(file) { this.$refs['upload-inner'].abort(file); }, clearFiles() { this.uploadFiles = []; }, submit() { this.uploadFiles .filter(file => file.status === 'ready') .forEach(file => { this.$refs['upload-inner'].upload(file.raw); }); }, getMigratingConfig() { return { props: { 'default-file-list': 'default-file-list is renamed to file-list.', 'show-upload-list': 'show-upload-list is renamed to show-file-list.', 'thumbnail-mode': 'thumbnail-mode has been deprecated, you can implement the same effect according to this case: http://element.eleme.io/#/zh-CN/component/upload#yong-hu-tou-xiang-shang-chuan' } }; } }, beforeDestroy() { this.uploadFiles.forEach(file => { if (file.url && file.url.indexOf('blob:') === 0) { URL.revokeObjectURL(file.url); } }); }, render(h) { let uploadList; //如果用户设置showFileList为true,则显示上传文件列表 if (this.showFileList) { uploadList = ( <UploadList disabled={this.uploadDisabled} listType={this.listType} files={this.uploadFiles} on-remove={this.handleRemove} handlePreview={this.onPreview}> </UploadList> ); } const uploadData = { props: { type: this.type, drag: this.drag, action: this.action, multiple: this.multiple, 'before-upload': this.beforeUpload, 'with-credentials': this.withCredentials, headers: this.headers, name: this.name, data: this.data, accept: this.accept, fileList: this.uploadFiles, autoUpload: this.autoUpload, listType: this.listType, disabled: this.uploadDisabled, limit: this.limit, 'on-exceed': this.onExceed, 'on-start': this.handleStart, 'on-progress': this.handleProgress, 'on-success': this.handleSuccess, 'on-error': this.handleError, 'on-preview': this.onPreview, 'on-remove': this.handleRemove, 'http-request': this.httpRequest }, ref: 'upload-inner' }; const trigger = this.$slots.trigger || this.$slots.default; const uploadComponent = <upload {...uploadData}>{trigger}</upload>; return ( <div> { this.listType === 'picture-card' ? uploadList : ''} { this.$slots.trigger ? [uploadComponent, this.$slots.default] : uploadComponent } {this.$slots.tip} { this
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