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[20190416]完善shared latch测试脚本2.txt(二)
2019-09-17 18:51:47 】 浏览:164
Tags:20190416 完善 shared latch 测试 脚本 2.txt
    <processes waiting for latch2>
Process <PID2>
set head off
set feedback off
set linesize 120
select sysdate from dual;
select   LPAD(' ', (LEVEL - 1) )
     ||case when latch_holding is null then 'Process '||pid
             else 'holding: '||latch_holding||'  "'||name||'" lvl='||level#||' whr='||whr||' why='||why ||', SID='||sid
     || case when latch_waiting  is not  null then ', waiting for: '||latch_waiting||' whr='||whr||' why='||why
       end latchtree
 from (
/* Latch holders */
select ksuprpid pid,ksuprlat latch_holding, null latch_waiting, to_char(ksuprpid) parent_id, rawtohex(ksuprlat) id,
       ksuprsid sid,ksuprllv level#,ksuprlnm name,ksuprlmd mode_,ksulawhy why,ksulawhr whr  from x$ksuprlat
union all
/* Latch waiters */
select indx pid,null latch_holding, ksllawat latch_waiting,rawtohex(ksllawat) parent_id,to_char(indx) id,
       null,null,null,null,ksllawhy why,ksllawer whr from x$ksupr where ksllawat !='00'
union all
/*  The roots of latch trees: processes holding latch but not waiting for latch */
select pid, null, null, null, to_char(pid),null,null,null,null,null,null from (
select distinct ksuprpid pid  from x$ksuprlat
select indx pid from x$ksupr where ksllawat !='00')
) latch_op
connect by prior id=parent_id
start with parent_id  is null;

$ cat /usr/local/bin/timestamp.pl
while (<>) {
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime();
printf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $hour, $min, $sec);
print  ": $_";
#print localtime() . ": $_";

--//补充测试 X mode,S mode ,X 模式的情况.
$ cat f1.sh
#! /bin/bash
source peek.sh 'gcs partitioned table hash' 30 | timestamp.pl >| /tmp/peeks.txt &
seq 30 | xargs -I{} echo -e 'sqlplus -s -l / as sysdba <<< @latch_free\nsleep 1'  | bash >| /tmp/latch_free.txt &
# 参数如下: @ latch.txt latch_name willing why where mode sleep_num
sqlplus /nolog @ shared_latch.txt 'gcs partitioned table hash' 1 4 5 x 6 > /dev/null &
sleep 2
sqlplus /nolog @ shared_latch.txt 'gcs partitioned table hash' 1 4 5 s 6 > /dev/null &
sqlplus /nolog @ shared_latch.txt 'gcs partitioned table hash' 1 4 5 s 6 > /dev/null &
sleep 0.1
sqlplus /nolog @ shared_latch.txt 'gcs partitioned table hash' 1 4 5 x 6 > /dev/null &

$ grep  -v '^.*: $' /tmp/peeks.txt
09:28:38: SYSDATE             LADDR
09:28:38: ------------------- ----------------
09:28:38: 2019-04-16 09:28:38 0000000060018A18
09:28:38: Statement processed.
09:28:38: [060018A18, 060018A20) = 0000001C 20000000
09:28:39: [060018A18, 060018A20) = 0000001C 20000000
09:28:40: [060018A18, 060018A20) = 0000001C 20000000
09:28:41: [060018A18, 060018A20) = 0000001C 20000000
09:28:42: [060018A18, 060018A20) = 0000001C 20000000
09:28:43: [060018A18, 060018A20) = 0000001C 20000000
09:28:44: [060018A18, 060018A20) = 00000001 00000000
09:28:45: [060018A18, 060018A20) = 0000
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上一篇ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't c.. 下一篇[20190415]11g下那些latch是共享..



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