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2023-07-23 13:29:41 】 浏览:83
lugins]# ll total 25188 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 25792512 Aug 11 22:07 docker-compose [root@harbor cli-plugins]# ./docker-compose --help //此下面的命令都可以使用 Usage: docker compose [OPTIONS] COMMAND Docker Compose Options: --ansi string Control when to print ANSI control characters ("never"|"always"|"auto") (default "auto") --compatibility Run compose in backward compatibility mode --env-file string Specify an alternate environment file. -f, --file stringArray Compose configuration files --profile stringArray Specify a profile to enable --project-directory string Specify an alternate working directory (default: the path of the, first specified, Compose file) -p, --project-name string Project name Commands: build Build or rebuild services convert Converts the compose file to platform's canonical format cp Copy files/folders between a service container and the local filesystem create Creates containers for a service. down Stop and remove containers, networks events Receive real time events from containers. exec Execute a command in a running container. images List images used by the created containers kill Force stop service containers. logs View output from containers ls List running compose projects pause Pause services port Print the public port for a port binding. ps List containers pull Pull service images push Push service images restart Restart containers rm Removes stopped service containers run Run a one-off command on a service. start Start services stop Stop services top Display the running processes unpause Unpause services up Create and start containers version Show the Docker Compose version information Run 'docker compose COMMAND --help' for more information on a command. [root@harbor cli-plugins]# pwd /root/.docker/cli-plugins //目前是当前用户可以使用这个命令 [root@harbor cli-plugins]# ln -sv /root/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose /usr/bin/ '/usr/bin/docker-compose' -> '/root/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose' //做个软链接使其在系统的其他地方也可以使用 [root@harbor cli-plugins]# cd [root@harbor ~]# which docker-compose /usr/bin/docker-compose [root@harbor ~]# docker compose version Docker Compose version v2.7.0 //查看版本 [root@harbor ~]# cd /usr/src/ [root@harbor src]# ls debug harbor-offline-installer-v2.5.3.tgz kernels //将之前下载好的包拉进这里面 [root@harbor src]# tar xf harbor-offline-installer-v2.5.3.tgz -C /usr/local/ [root@harbor src]# ls /usr/local/ bin etc games harbor include lib lib64 libexec sbin share src [root@harbor src]# cd /usr/local/harbor/ [root@harbor harbor]# ls LICENSE common.sh harbor.v2.5.3.tar.gz harbor.yml.tmpl install.sh prepare [root@harbor harbor]# cp harbor.yml.tmpl harbor.yml [root@harbor harbor]# vim harbor.yml [root@harbor harbor]# hostnamectl set-hostname harbor.example.com [root@harbor harbor]# bash //可以提前修改一下主机名 hostname: harbor.example.com //修改为主机名 #https: //注释掉证书相关的 # https port for harbor, default is 443 # port: 443 # The path of cert and key files for nginx #certificate: /your/certificate/path #private_key: /your/private/key/path harbor_admin_password: Harbor12345 //此为网页访问时的登录密码 database: # The password for the root user of Harbor DB. Change this before any production use. password: root123 //数据库的密码 data_volume: /data //数据存放的目录 # insecure The flag to skip verifying registry certificate insecure: false //不安全的功能关闭了(
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