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Spring FactoryBean接口(一)
2023-07-25 21:36:28 】 浏览:49
Tags:Spring FactoryBean 接口


??1. 本文基于Spring-Framework 5.1.x版本讲解

??2. 建议读者对Mybatis有基本的使用经验



这一篇我们讲讲org.springframework.beans.factory.FactoryBean接口,这个接口功能非常强大,可以集成不同的中间件或组件到Spring容器中来,可以说该接口是打通Spring与外界沟通的重要桥梁,是Spring非常重要的一个拓展点。 不少人会拿BeanFactoryFactoryBean做比较,其实这两个接口根本就没有可比性,完全不是一个’层次‘的产物。废话不多说,让我们开始吧。




 * Interface to be implemented by objects used within a {@link BeanFactory} which
 * are themselves factories for individual objects. If a bean implements this
 * interface, it is used as a factory for an object to expose, not directly as a
 * bean instance that will be exposed itself.
 * <p><b>NB: A bean that implements this interface cannot be used as a normal bean.</b>
 * A FactoryBean is defined in a bean style, but the object exposed for bean
 * references ({@link #getObject()}) is always the object that it creates.
 * <p>FactoryBeans can support singletons and prototypes, and can either create
 * objects lazily on demand or eagerly on startup. The {@link SmartFactoryBean}
 * interface allows for exposing more fine-grained behavioral metadata.
 * <p>This interface is heavily used within the framework itself, for example for
 * the AOP {@link org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactoryBean} or the
 * {@link org.springframework.jndi.JndiObjectFactoryBean}. It can be used for
 * custom components as well; however, this is only common for infrastructure code.
 * <p><b>{@code FactoryBean} is a programmatic contract. Implementations are not
 * supposed to rely on annotation-driven injection or other reflective facilities.</b>
 * {@link #getObjectType()} {@link #getObject()} invocations may arrive early in the
 * bootstrap process, even ahead of any post-processor setup. If you need access to
 * other beans, implement {@link BeanFactoryAware} and obtain them programmatically.
 * <p><b>The container is only responsible for managing the lifecycle of the FactoryBean
 * instance, not the lifecycle of the objects created by the FactoryBean.</b> Therefore,
 * a destroy method on an exposed bean object (such as {@link java.io.Closeable#close()}
 * will <i>not</i> be called automatically. Instead, a FactoryBean should implement
 * {@link DisposableBean} and delegate any such close call to the underlying object.
 * <p>Finally, FactoryBean objects participate in the containing BeanFactory's
 * synchronization of bean creation. There is usually no need for internal
 * synchronization other than for purposes of lazy initialization within the
 * FactoryBean itself (or the like).
 * @author Rod Johnson
 * @author Juergen Hoeller
 * @since 08.03.2003
 * @param <T> the bean type
 * @see org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory
 * @see org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactoryBean
 * @see org.springframework.jndi.JndiObjectFactoryBean
public interface FactoryBean<T> {

	T getObject() throws Exception;

	Class<?> getObjectType();

	default boolean isSingleton() {	return true; }



1. 实现了BeanFactory接口的Bean,实际上对外暴露的是getObject方法返回的对象;

2. FactoryBean支持创建单例和原型Bean,可以通过懒加载或容器启动时加载的方式创建Bean,可以实现SmartFactoryBean接口来控制更多的Bean创建方式;

3. Spring只会管理FactoryBean对象本身,通过FactoryBean#getObject创建出来的对象的生命周期则不会由Spring管理。 也就是说通过getObject返回的对象本身即使实现了生命周期接口,也不会被调用;


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