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2019-06-02 18:07:52 】 浏览:334
Tags:原理 详解 golang 实现
e.NIL, rbtree.NIL, RED, Int(10)}) rbtree.Insert(&Node{rbtree.NIL, rbtree.NIL, rbtree.NIL, RED, Int(9)}) rbtree.Insert(&Node{rbtree.NIL, rbtree.NIL, rbtree.NIL, RED, Int(8)}) rbtree.Insert(&Node{rbtree.NIL, rbtree.NIL, rbtree.NIL, RED, Int(6)}) rbtree.Insert(&Node{rbtree.NIL, rbtree.NIL, rbtree.NIL, RED, Int(7)}) log.Println("rbtree counts : ", rbtree.count) log.Println("------ ", rbtree.root.Item) log.Println("----", rbtree.root.Left.Item, "---", rbtree.root.Right.Item) log.Println("--", rbtree.root.Left.Left.Item, "-", rbtree.root.Left.Right.Item) }

InsertTest() 仔细瞧瞧这就是我们 讲情形那棵树 哈 。

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package main


const (
    RED = true
    BLACK = false

//Item interface
type Item interface {
    Less(than Item) bool

type Int int

func (x Int) Less(than Item) bool {
    log.Println(x, " ", than.(Int))
    return x < than.(Int)

type Uint32 uint32

func (x Uint32) Less(than Item) bool {
    log.Println(x, " ", than.(Uint32))
    return x < than.(Uint32)

type String string

func (x String) Less(than Item) bool {
    log.Println(x, " ", than.(String))
    return x < than.(String)


type Node struct {
    Parent *Node
    Left   *Node
    Right  *Node
    color  bool

type Rbtree struct {
    NIL  *Node
    root *Node
    count uint64

func New() *Rbtree{
    node := &Node{nil, nil, nil, BLACK, nil}
    return &Rbtree{
        NIL   : node,
        root  : node,
        count : 0,

func less(x, y Item) bool {
    return x.Less(y)

// Left Rotate
func (rbt *Rbtree) LeftRotate(no *Node) {
    // Since we are doing the left rotation, the right child should *NOT* nil.
    if no.Right == rbt.NIL {

    //          |                                  |
    //          X                                  Y
    //         / \         left rotate            / \
    //        α  Y       ------------->         X   γ
    //           / \                            / \
    //          β  γ                            α  β

    rchild := no.Right
    no.Right = rchild.Left

    if rchild.Left != rbt.NIL {
        rchild.Left.Parent = no

    rchild.Parent = no.Parent

    if no.Parent == rbt.NIL {
        rbt.root = rchild
    } else if no == no.Parent.Left {
        no.Parent.Left = rchild
    } else {
        no.Parent.Right = rchild

    rchild.Left = no

    no.Parent = rchild


// Right Rotate
func (rbt *Rbtree) RightRotate(no *Node) {
    if no.Left == rbt.NIL {

    //          |                                  |
    //          X                                  Y
    //         / \         right rotate           / \
    //        Y   γ      ------------->         α  X
    //       / \                                    / \
    //      α  β                                    β  γ

    lchild := no.Left
    no.Left = lchild.Right

    if lchild.Right != rbt.NIL {
        lchild.Right.Parent = no

    lchild.Parent = no.Parent

    if no.Parent == rbt.NIL {
        rbt.root = lchild
    } else if no == no.Parent.Left {
        no.Parent.Left = lchild
    } else {
        no.Parent.Right = lchild

    lchild.Right = no

    no.Parent = lchild


func (rbt *Rbtree) Insert(no *Node) {
    x := rbt.root
    var y *Node = rbt.NIL

    for x != rbt.NIL {
        y = x 
        if less(no.Item, x.Item) {
            x = x.Left
        } else if less(x.Item, no.Item) {
            x = x.Right
        } else {
            log.Println("that node already exist")

    no.Parent = y
    if y == rbt.NIL {
        rbt.root = no
    } else if less(no.Item, y.Item) {
        y.Left = no
    } else {
        y.Right = no



func (rbt *Rbtree) insertFixup(no *Node) {
    for no.Parent.color == RED {
        if no.Parent == no.Parent.Parent.Left {
            y := no.Parent.Parent.Right
            if y.color == RED {
                // 情形 4

                log.Println("TRACE Do Case 4 :", no.Item)

                no.Parent.color = BLACK
                y.color = BLACK
                no.Parent.Parent.color = RED
                no = no.Parent.Parent  //循
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