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2019-08-15 00:10:30 】 浏览:433
Tags:Ruby 指南
est puts "在test方法内" yield puts "又回到了test方法" yield end test {puts "你在块内"} =end =begin def test puts "在test方法内" yield 10 puts "又回到了test方法" yield 20 end test {|i| puts "你在块内#{i}"} =end

3 iTools

3.1 介绍



3.2 安装

gem install itools

3.3 使用

    itools - a collection of tools for ios developer

    itools [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


    --help    - Show this message
    --version - Display the program version

    count_code_line    - count lines of code
    find               - search unuse image
    help               - Shows a list of commands or help for one command
    parse              - Analyze the memory footprint of each part or component in Xcode project
    pre_commit         - 通过执行该命令,hook 本地commit,然后进行规范化
    search             - search str(or strs) in some file(or folder's file)
    search_file        - search File in folder
    search_unuse_class - search unuse class
    size_for           - calculate the memory footprint of file or folder(contain file)


4 推荐

4.1 网站



4.2 书籍


5 附

5.1 预定义全局变量表

Pre-defined variables
$!         The exception information message set by 'raise'.
$@         Array of backtrace of the last exception thrown.
$&         The string matched by the last successful match.
$`         The string to the left  of the last successful match.
$'         The string to the right of the last successful match.
$+         The highest group matched by the last successful match.
$1         The Nth group of the last successful match. May be > 1.
$~         The information about the last match in the current scopke.
$=         The flag for case insensitive, nil by default.
$/         The input record separator, newline by default.
$\         The output record separator for the print and IO#write. Default is nil.
$,         The output field separator for the print and Array#join.
$;         The default separator for String#split.
$.         The current input line number of the last file that was read.
$<         The virtual concatenation file of the files given on command line (or from $stdin if no files were given).
$>         The default output for print, printf. $stdout by default.
$_         The last input line of string by gets or readline.
$0         Contains the name of the script being executed. May be assignable.
$*         Command line arguments given for the script sans args.
$$         The process number of the Ruby running this script.
$?         The status of the last executed child process.
$:         Load path for scripts and binary modules by load or require.
$"         The array contains the module names loaded by require.
$DEBUG     The status of the -d switch.
$FILENAME  Current input file from $<. Same as $<.filename.
$LOAD_PATH The alias to the $:.
$stderr    The current standard error output.
$stdin     The current standard input.
$stdout    The current standard output.
$VERBOSE   The verbose flag, which is set by the -v switch.
$-0        The alias to $/.
$-a        True if option -a is set. Read-only variable.
$-d        The alias to $DEBUG.
$-F        The alias to $;.
$-i        In in-place-edit mode, this variable holds the extension, otherwise nil.
$-I        The alias to $:.
$-l        True if option -l is set. Read-only variable.
$-p        True if option -p is set. Read-only variable.
$-v        The alias to $VERBOSE.
$    -w        True if option -w is set.

5.2 解释器的命令行开关

Usage: ruby [switches] [--] [programfile] [arguments]
  -0[octal]       specify record sepa
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