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Scalaz(52)- scalaz-stream: 并行运算-parallel processing concurrently by merging(二)
2017-10-10 12:12:23 】 浏览:10320
Tags:Scalaz scalaz-stream: 并行 运算 parallel processing concurrently merging
t; 1).run 3 //> plines : Int = 2823 4 println(s"continue reading $plines in ${System.currentTimeMillis - pl_start}ms") 5 //> continue reading 2823 in 10501ms


1 val par_start = System.currentTimeMillis          //> par_start : Long = 1470051682874
2 val parlines = (pa merge pb merge pc).runFoldMap(_ => 1).run 3                                                   //> parlines : Int = 2823
4 println(s"parallel reading $parlines in ${System.currentTimeMillis - par_start}ms") 5                                                   //> parallel reading 2823 in 6278ms


 1 /c 是个vowl  2 def vowls(c: Char): Boolean = List('A','E','I','O','U').contains(c)  3                                                   //> vowls: (c: Char)Boolean  4 
 5 //返回Map代表每个字符频率, 测试使用了scalaz.Lens
 6 def vowlCount(text: String): Map[Char,Int] = {  7     text.toUpperCase.toList.filter(vowls).foldLeft(Map[Char,Int]()) { (b,a) =>
 8       if ((Lens.mapVLens(a) get b) == None) Lens.mapVLens(a) set(b,1.some)  9       else Lens.mapVLens(a).set(b, (Lens.mapVLens(a) get b).map(_ + 1)) 10  } 11  }                                                //> vowlCount: (text: String)Map[Char,Int] 12 //直接用scala标准库实现
13 def stdVowlsCount(text: String): Map[Char,Int] =
14   text.toUpperCase.toList.filter(vowls).groupBy(s => s).mapValues(_.size) 15                                                   //> stdVowlsCount: (text: String)Map[Char,Int]


 1 //为runFoldMap提供一个Map[Char,Int]Monoid实例
 2 implicit object mapMonoid extends Monoid[Map[Char,Int]] {  3    def zero: Map[Char,Int] = Map()  4    def append(m1: Map[Char,Int], m2: => Map[Char,Int]): Map[Char,Int] = {  5      (m1.keySet ++ m2.keySet).map { k =>
 6        (k, m1.getOrElse(k,0) + m2.getOrElse(k,0))  7  }.toMap  8  }  9 } 10 
11 val cnt_start = System.currentTimeMillis          //> cnt_start : Long = 1470197392016
12 val merged = (pa merge pb merge pc) 13  .map(vowlCount) 14   .runFoldMap(identity).run                       //> merged : Map[Char,Int] = Map(E -> 7330, U -> 1483, A -> 4531, I -> 4393, O-> 3748)
15 println(s"calc vowl frequency in ${System.currentTimeMillis - cnt_start}ms") 16                                                   //> calc vowl frequency in 28646ms


/** * Merges non-deterministically processes that are output of the `source` process. * * Merging stops when all processes generated by source have stopped, and all source process stopped as well. * Merging will also stop when resulting process terminated. In that case the cleanup of all `source` * processes is run, followed by cleanup of resulting process. * * When one of the source processes fails the mergeN process will fail with that reason. * * Merging is non-deterministic, but is fair in sense that every process is consulted, once it has `A` ready. * That means processes that are `faster` provide it's `A` more often than slower processes. * * Internally mergeN keeps small buffer that reads ahead up to `n` values of `A` where `n` equals to number * of active source streams. That does not mean that every `source` process is consulted in this read-ahead * cache, it just tries to be as much fair as possible when processes provide their `A` on almost the same speed. * */ def mergeN[A]
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