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Scalaz(26)- Lens: 函数式不可变对象数据操作方式(五)
2017-10-10 12:13:23 】 浏览:3848
Tags:Scalaz Lens 函数 可变 对象 数据 操作 方式
Numeric[N]) { def
+=(that: N): IndexedState[S1, S2, N] = lens %= (num.plus(_, that)) def -=(that: N): IndexedState[S1, S2, N] = lens %= (num.minus(_, that)) def *=(that: N): IndexedState[S1, S2, N] = lens %= (num.times(_, that)) } implicit def numericLensFamily[S1, S2, N: Numeric](lens: LensFamily[S1, S2, N, N]) = NumericLens[S1, S2, N](lens, implicitly[Numeric[N]])


trait LensFunctions extends LensFamilyFunctions {

  def lens[A, B](r: A => Store[B, A]): Lens[A, B] = new Lens[A, B] {
    def run(a: A): Store[B, A] = r(a)

  def lensg[A, B](set: A => B => A, get: A => B): Lens[A, B] =
    lens(a => Store(set(a), get(a)))

  def lensu[A, B](set: (A, B) => A, get: A => B): Lens[A, B] =
    lensg(set.curried, get)

  /** The identity lens for a given object */
  def lensId[A]: Lens[A, A] =
    lens(Store(identity, _))

  /** The trivial lens that can retrieve Unit from anything */
  def trivialLens[A]: Lens[A, Unit] =
    lens[A, Unit](a => Store(_ => a, ()))

  /** A lens that discards the choice of right or left from disjunction */
  def codiagLens[A]: Lens[A \/ A, A] =
    lensId[A] ||| lensId[A]

  /** Access the first field of a tuple */
  def firstLens[A, B]: (A, B) @> A =
    lens {
      case (a, b) => Store(x => (x, b), a)

  /** Access the second field of a tuple */
  def secondLens[A, B]: (A, B) @> B =
    lens {
      case (a, b) => Store(x => (a, x), b)

  /** Access the first field of a tuple */
  def lazyFirstLens[A, B]: LazyTuple2[A, B] @> A =
    lens(z => Store(x => LazyTuple2(x, z._2), z._1))

  /** Access the second field of a tuple */
  def lazySecondLens[A, B]: LazyTuple2[A, B] @> B =
    lens(z => Store(x => LazyTuple2(z._1, x), z._2))

  def nelHeadLens[A]: NonEmptyList[A] @> A =
    lens(l => Store(NonEmptyList.nel(_, l.tail), l.head))

  def nelTailLens[A]: NonEmptyList[A] @> List[A] =
    lens(l => Store(NonEmptyList.nel(l.head, _), l.tail))

  /** Access the value at a particular key of a Map **/
  def mapVLens[K, V](k: K): Map[K, V] @> Option[V] =
    lensg(m => ({
      case None => m - k
      case Some(v) => m.updated(k, v)
    }: Option[V] => Map[K, V]), _ get k)
  /** Access the value at a particular key of a Map.WithDefault */
  def mapWithDefaultLens[K,V](k: K): Map.WithDefault[K,V] @> V =
    lensg(m => v => m.updated(k,v), m => m(k))

  /** Specify whether a value is in a Set */
  def setMembershipLens[A](a: A): Set[A] @> Boolean =
    lensg(s => b => if (b) s + a else s - a, _.contains(a))

  def applyLens[A, B](k: B => A)(implicit e: Equal[A]): Store[A, B] @> B =
    lens(q => {
      lazy val x = q.pos
      lazy val y = q put x
      Store(b =>
        Store(w => if(e equal (x, w)) b else y, x), y)

  def predicateLens[A]: Store[A, Boolean] @> (A \/ A) =
    lens(q => Store(_ match {
      case -\/(l) => Store(_ => true, l)
      case \/-(r) => Store(_ => false, r)
    }, {
      val x = q.pos
      if(q put x) -\/(x) else \/-(x)

  def factorLens[A, B, C]: ((A, B) \/ (A, C)) @> (A, B \/ C) =
    lens(e => Store({
      case (a, -\/(b)) => -\/(a, b)
      case (a, \/-(c)) => \/-(a, c)
    }, e match {
      case -\/((a, b)) => (a, -\/(b))
      case \/-((a, c)) => (a, \/-(c))

  def distributeLens[A, B, C]: (A, B \/ C) @> ((A, B) \/ (A, C)) =
    lens {
      case (a, e) => Store({
        case -\/((aa, bb)) => (aa, -\/(bb))
        case \/-((aa, cc)) => (aa, \/-(cc))
      }, e match {
        case -\/(b) => -\/(a, b)
        case \/-(c
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