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时间序列深度学习:seq2seq 模型预测太阳黑子(六)
2019-09-03 02:41:26 】 浏览:648
Tags:时间序列 深度 学习 seq2seq 模型 预测 太阳黑子
ion") %>% select(value) %>% pull() test_vals <- df_processed_tbl %>% filter(key == "testing") %>% select(value) %>% pull() # build the windowed matrices train_matrix <- build_matrix( train_vals, n_timesteps + n_predictions) valid_matrix <- build_matrix( valid_vals, n_timesteps + n_predictions) test_matrix <- build_matrix( test_vals, n_timesteps + n_predictions) # separate matrices into training and testing parts # also, discard last batch if there are fewer than batch_size samples # (a purely technical requirement) X_train <- train_matrix[, 1:n_timesteps] y_train <- train_matrix[, (n_timesteps + 1):(n_timesteps * 2)] X_train <- X_train[1:(nrow(X_train) %/% batch_size * batch_size), ] y_train <- y_train[1:(nrow(y_train) %/% batch_size * batch_size), ] X_valid <- valid_matrix[, 1:n_timesteps] y_valid <- valid_matrix[, (n_timesteps + 1):(n_timesteps * 2)] X_valid <- X_valid[1:(nrow(X_valid) %/% batch_size * batch_size), ] y_valid <- y_valid[1:(nrow(y_valid) %/% batch_size * batch_size), ] X_test <- test_matrix[, 1:n_timesteps] y_test <- test_matrix[, (n_timesteps + 1):(n_timesteps * 2)] X_test <- X_test[1:(nrow(X_test) %/% batch_size * batch_size), ] y_test <- y_test[1:(nrow(y_test) %/% batch_size * batch_size), ] # add on the required third axis X_train <- reshape_X_3d(X_train) X_valid <- reshape_X_3d(X_valid) X_test <- reshape_X_3d(X_test) y_train <- reshape_X_3d(y_train) y_valid <- reshape_X_3d(y_valid) y_test <- reshape_X_3d(y_test)

构建 LSTM 模型

现在我们的数据具有了所需的形式,让我们构建最终模型。与深度学习一样,一项重要且经常耗时的工作是调整超参数。为了使这篇文章保持独立,并且考虑到这主要是关于如何在 R 中使用 LSTM 的教程,让我们假设在经过大量实验后发现了以下设置(实际上实验确实发生了,但没有达到最佳的表现)。

我们没有硬编码超参数,而是使用 tfruns 设置了一个环境,在环境中可以轻松地实现网格搜索。


FLAGS <- flags(
    # There is a so-called "stateful LSTM" in Keras. While LSTM is stateful per se,
    # this adds a further tweak where the hidden states get initialized with values
    # from the item at same position in the previous batch.
    # This is helpful just under specific circumstances, or if you want to create an
    # "infinite stream" of states, in which case you'd use 1 as the batch size.
    # Below, we show how the code would have to be changed to use this, but it won't be further
    # discussed here.
    flag_boolean("stateful", FALSE),
    # Should we use several layers of LSTM?
    # Again, just included for completeness, it did not yield any superior performance on this task.
    # This will actually stack exactly one additional layer of LSTM units.
    flag_boolean("stack_layers", FALSE),
    # number of samples fed to the model in one go
    flag_integer("batch_size", 10),
    # size of the hidden state, equals size of predictions
    flag_integer("n_timesteps", 12),
    # how many epochs to train for
    flag_integer("n_epochs", 100),
    # fraction of the units to drop for the linear transformation of the inputs
    flag_numeric("dropout", 0.2),
    # fraction of the units to drop for the linear transformation of the recurrent state
    flag_numeric("recurrent_dropout", 0.2),
    # loss function. Found to work better for this specific case than mean squared error
    flag_string("loss", "logcosh"),
    # optimizer = stochastic gradient descent. Seemed to work better than adam or rmsprop here
    # (as indicated b
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