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NSDateFormatter 格式整理(一)
2014-11-24 07:35:55 】 浏览:1356
Tags:NSDateFormatter 格式 整理
[formattersetLocale:[[[NSLocale alloc]initWithLocaleIdentifier:@"en_US"]
[formatter setAMSymbol:@"AM"];
yyyy 4位年
MM 月
d~dd 日
hh 时
HH 24小时
mm 分
ss 秒
a~aaa AM/PM
EEE 英文星期
MMM 英文月
Z~ZZZ 时区
a: AM/PM (上午/下午)
A: 0~86399999 (一天的第A微秒)
c/cc: 1~7 (一周的第一天, 周天为1)
ccc: Sun/Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri/Sat (星期几简写)
cccc: Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday(星期几全拼)
d: 1~31 (月份的第几天, 带0)
D: 1~366 (年份的第几天,带0)
e: 1~7 (一周的第几天, 带0)
E~EEE: Sun/Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri/Sat (星期几简写)
EEEE: Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday(星期几全拼)
F: 1~5 (每月的第几周, 一周的第一天为周一)
g: Julian Day Number (number of days since 4713 BC January 1)未知
G~GGG: BC/AD (Era Designator Abbreviated) 未知
GGGG: Before Christ/Anno Domini 未知
h: 1~12 (0 padded Hour (12hr)) 带0的时, 12小时制
H: 0~23 (0 padded Hour (24hr)) 带0的时, 24小时制
k: 1~24 (0 padded Hour (24hr) 带0的时, 24小时制
K: 0~11 (0 padded Hour (12hr)) 带0的时, 12小时制
L/LL: 1~12 (0 padded Month) 第几月
LLL: Jan/Feb/Mar/Apr/May/Jun/Jul/Aug/Sep/Oct/Nov/Dec 月份简写
m: 0~59 (0 padded Minute) 分钟
M/MM: 1~12 (0 padded Month) 第几月
MMM: Jan/Feb/Mar/Apr/May/Jun/Jul/Aug/Sep/Oct/Nov/Dec
q/qq: 1~4 (0 padded Quarter) 第几季度
qqq: Q1/Q2/Q3/Q4 季度简写
qqqq: 1st quarter/2nd quarter/3rd quarter/4th quarter 季度全拼
Q/QQ: 1~4 (0 padded Quarter) 同小写
QQQ: Q1/Q2/Q3/Q4 同小写
QQQQ: 1st quarter/2nd quarter/3rd quarter/4th quarter 同小写
s: 0~59 (0 padded Second) 秒数
S: (rounded Sub-Second) 未知
u: (0 padded Year) 未知
v~vvv: (General GMT Timezone Abbreviation) 常规GMT时区的编写
vvvv: (General GMT Timezone Name) 常规GMT时区的名称
w: 1~53 (0 padded Week of Year, 1st day of week = Sunday, NB:1st week of year starts from the last Sunday of last year) 一年的第几周,一周的开始为周日,第一周从去年的最后一个周日起算
W: 1~5 (0 padded Week of Month, 1st day of week = Sunday)一个月的第几周
y/yyyy: (Full Year) 完整的年份
yy/yyy: (2 Digits Year) 2个数字的年份
Y/YYYY: (Full Year, starting from the Sunday of the 1st week ofyear) 这个年份未知干嘛用的
YY/YYY: (2 Digits Year, starting from the Sunday of the 1st weekof year) 这个年份未知干嘛用的
z~zzz: (Specific GMT Timezone Abbreviation) 指定GMT时区的编写
zzzz: (Specific GMT Timezone Name) Z: +0000 (RFC 822 Timezone)指定GMT时区的名称
Date Field SymbolTable
Field Sym. No. Example Description
era G 1..3 AD Era -Replaced with the Era string for the current date. One to threeletters for the abbreviated form, four letters for the long form,five for the narrow form.
4 Anno Domini
5 A
year y 1..n 1996 Year. Normally the length specifies the padding, but for twoletters it also specifies the maximum length. Example:
Year y yy yyy yyyy yyyyy
AD 1 1 01 001 0001 00001
AD 12 12 12 012 0012 00012
AD 123 123 23 123 0123 00123
AD 1234 1234 34 1234 1234 01234
AD 12345 12345 45 12345 12345 12345
Y 1..n 1997 Year (of "Week of Year"), used in ISO year-week calendar. Maydiffer from calendar year.
u 1..n 4601 Extended year. This is a single number designating the year ofthis calendar system, encompassing all supra-year fields. Forexample, for the Julian calendar system, year numbers are positive,
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