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【系统监控】性能监测 vmstat,mpstat,iostat(一)
2019-09-17 19:04:39 】 浏览:98
Tags:系统 监控 性能 监测 vmstat mpstat iostat


[root@WebServer ~]# uptime (同w命令输出的第一行信息)
09:40:52 up 5 days, 57 min, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

load average,显示了最近1,5,15分钟的负荷情况。
它的值代表等待CPU处理的进程数,如果CPU没有时间处理这些进程,load average值会升高;反之则会降低。

二、CPU监测:mpstat (请参考MAN手册)

mpstat 1  111  [1秒刷新,111次]

语法:mpstat [ options... ] [ <interval> [ <count> ] ]
[root@WebServer ~]# mpstat 1
Linux 2.6.9-89.ELsmp (WebServer) 08/18/09

10:08:25 CPU %user %nice %system %iowait %irq %soft %idle intr/s
10:08:26 all 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 1005.00
10:08:27 all 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.00 99.88 1031.00
10:08:28 all 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 1009.00
10:08:29 all 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 1030.00
10:08:30 all 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 1006.00
  • 1.CPU (处理器编号,all表示所有处理器的平均数值)
    Processor number. The keyword all indicates that statistics are calculated as averages among all processors.

  • 2.%user (用户态的CPU利用率百分比)
    Show the percentage of CPU utilization that occurred while executing at the user level (application).

  • 3.%nice (用户态的优先级别CPU的利用率百分比)
    Show the percentage of CPU utilization that occurred while executing at the user level with nice priority.

  • 4.%system (内核态的CPU利用率百分比)
    Show the percentage of CPU utilization that occurred while executing at the system level (kernel). Note that
    this does not include the time spent servicing interrupts or softirqs.

  • 5.%iowait (在interval间段内io的等待百分比,interval 为采样频率,如本文的1为每一秒钟采样一次)
    Show the percentage of time that the CPU or CPUs were idle during which the system had an outstanding disk I/O request.

  • 6.%irq (在interval间段内,CPU的中断百分比)
    Show the percentage of time spent by the CPU or CPUs to service interrupts.

  • 7.%soft (在interval间段内,CPU的软中断百分比)
    Show the percentage of time spent by the CPU or CPUs to service softirqs. A softirq (software interrupt) is
    one of up to 32 enumerated software interrupts which can run on multiple CPUs at once.

  • 8.%idle (在interval间段内,CPU的闲置百分比,不包括I/O请求的等待)
    Show the percentage of time that the CPU or CPUs were idle and the system did not have an outstanding
    disk I/O request.

  • 9.intr/s (在interval间段内所有的CPU每秒中断数)
    Show the total number of interrupts received per second by the CPU or CPUs.

三、内存监测:vmstat (请参考MAN手册)

vmstat是一个很全面的性能分析工具,可以观察到系统的进程状态、内存使用、虚拟内存使用、磁盘的IO、中断、上下文切换、CPU使用等。对于 Linux 的性能分析,100%理解 vmstat 输出内容的含义,并能灵活应用,那对系统性能分析的能力就算是基本掌握了。


[root@monitor-www ~]# vmstat 1 5
procs — ———–memory——————–swap——io—– —-system— —–cpu—
r  b  swpd       free     buff      cache  si so  bi    bo       in    cs   us sy  id wa st
1 0 84780 909744 267428 1912076  0 0  20   94      0        0     2  1  95  1 0
1 2 84780 894968 267428 1912216  0 0   0 1396   2301 11337  8  3  89  0 0
1 0 84780 900680 267428 1912340  0 0 76 1428  1854 8082     7  2  90  0 0
1 0 84780 902544 267432 1912548  0 0 116 928  1655 7502    7  2  92   0 0
2 0 84780 900076 267432 1912948  0 0 180 904 1963 8703    10  3  87  0 0


a.r 列表示运行和等待CPU时间片的进程数,这个值如果长期大于系统CPU个数,就说明CPU资源不足,可以考虑增加CPU;



a.swp 列表示切换到内存交换区的内存数量(以KB为单位)。如果swp的值不为0或者比较大,而且si、so的值长期为0,那么这种情况一般不用担心,不会影响系统性能;


c. buff列表示buffers cache的内存数量,一般对块设备的读写才需要缓冲;

d. cache列表示page cached的内存数量,一般作文件系统的cached,频繁访问的文件都会被cached。如果cached值较大,就说明cached文件数较多。如果此时IO中的bi比较小,就说明文件系统效率比较好。


a.si列表示由磁盘调入内存 ,也就是内存进入内存交换区的数量;

b.so 列表示由内存调入磁盘 ,也就是内存交换区进入内存的数量

c.一般情况下,si、so的值都为0,如果si、so的值长期不为0,则表示系统内存不足,需要考虑是否增加系统内存 。


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