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Struts2 Jsp 动态明细向后台传值(一)
2019-09-17 16:28:39 】 浏览:40
Tags:Struts2 Jsp 动态 明细 后台





两个javaBean:ResultBean 和 ResultDetailBean(ResultDetailBean嵌套在ResultBean中)


package Bean;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class ResultBean {
    private String stuId = "";
    private String stuName = "";
    private String classes = "";
    private BigDecimal grade;
    private String sex = "";
    private String detailSize = "";
    //ResultDetailBean的get set方法
    private List<ResultDetailBean> detailList = new ArrayList<ResultDetailBean>();

     * @return the stuId
    public String getStuId() {
        return stuId;

     * @param stuId
     *            the stuId to set
    public void setStuId(String stuId) {
        this.stuId = stuId;

     * @return the stuName
    public String getStuName() {
        return stuName;

     * @param stuName
     *            the stuName to set
    public void setStuName(String stuName) {
        this.stuName = stuName;

     * @return the classes
    public String getClasses() {
        return classes;

     * @param classes
     *            the classes to set
    public void setClasses(String classes) {
        this.classes = classes;

     * @return the grade
    public BigDecimal getGrade() {
        return grade;

     * @param grade
     *            the grade to set
    public void setGrade(BigDecimal grade) {
        this.grade = grade;

     * @return the sex
    public String getSex() {
        return sex;

     * @param sex
     *            the sex to set
    public void setSex(String sex) {
        this.sex = sex;

    public List<ResultDetailBean> getDetailList() {
        return detailList;

    public void setDetailList(List<ResultDetailBean> detailList) {
        this.detailList = detailList;

    public String getDetailSize() {
        return detailSize;

    public void setDetailSize(String detailSize) {
        this.detailSize = detailSize;


package Bean;

public class ResultDetailBean {
    private String no = "";
    private String sel = "0";
    private String curId = "";
    private String curName = "";
    private String score = "";

     * @return the no
    public String getNo() {
        return no;

     * @param no
     *            the no to set
    public void setNo(String no) {
        this.no = no;

     * @return the sel
    public String getSel() {
        return sel;

     * @param sel
     *            the sel to set
    public void setSel(String sel) {
        this.sel = sel;

     * @return the curId
    public String getCurId() {
        return curId;

     * @param curId
     *            the curId to set
    public void setCurId(String curId) {
        this.curId = curId;

     * @return the curName
    public String getCurName() {
        return curName;

     * @param curName
     *            the curName to set
    public void setCurName(String curName) {
        this.curName = curName;

     * @return the score
    public String getScore() {
        return score;

     * @param score
     *            the score to set
    public void setScore(String score) {
        this.score = score;


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