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【转】值得一用的 IO 神器 Okio(一)
2023-09-09 10:26:04 】 浏览:134
Tags:神器 Okio

IO 神器 Okio

官方 是这么介绍 Okio 的:

Okio is a library that complements java.io and java.nio to make it much easier to access, store, and process your data. It started as a component of OkHttp, the capable HTTP client included in Android. It’s well-exercised and ready to solve new problems.

重点是这一句它使访问,存储和处理数据变得更加容易,既然 Okio 是对 java.io 的补充,那是否比传统 IO 好用呢?

看下 Okio 这么使用的,用它读写一个文件试试:

    // OKio写文件 
    private static void writeFileByOKio() {
        try (Sink sink = Okio.sink(new File(path));
             BufferedSink bufferedSink = Okio.buffer(sink)) {
            bufferedSink.writeUtf8("write" + "\n" + "success!");
        } catch (IOException e) {
    private static void readFileByOKio() {
        try (Source source = Okio.source(new File(path));
             BufferedSource bufferedSource = Okio.buffer(source)) {
            for (String line; (line = bufferedSource.readUtf8Line()) != null; ) {
        } catch (IOException e) {

从代码中可以看出,读写文件关键一步要创建出 BufferedSourceBufferedSink 对象。有了这两个对象,就可以直接读写文件了。

Okio为我们提供的 BufferedSink 和 BufferedSource 就具有以下基本所有的功能,不需要再串上一系列的装饰类


在Okio读写使用中,比较关键的类有 Source、Sink、BufferedSource、BufferedSink。

Source 和 Sink

SourceSink 是接口,类似传统 IO 的 InputStreamOutputStream,具有输入、输出流功能。

Sourec 接口主要用来读取数据,而数据的来源可以是磁盘,网络,内存等。

public interface Source extends Closeable {
  long read(Buffer sink, long byteCount) throws IOException;
  Timeout timeout();
  @Override void close() throws IOException;

Sink 接口主要用来写入数据。

public interface Sink extends Closeable, Flushable {
  void write(Buffer source, long byteCount) throws IOException;
  @Override void flush() throws IOException;
  Timeout timeout();
  @Override void close() throws IOException;

BufferedSource 和 BufferedSink

BufferedSourceBufferedSink 是对 SourceSink 接口的扩展处理。Okio 将常用方法封装在 BufferedSource/BufferedSink 接口中,把底层字节流直接加工成需要的数据类型,摒弃 Java IO 中各种输入流和输出流的嵌套,并提供了很多方便的 api,比如 readInt()readString()

public interface BufferedSource extends Source, ReadableByteChannel {
  Buffer getBuffer();
  int readInt() throws IOException;
  String readString(long byteCount, Charset charset) throws IOException;
public interface BufferedSink extends Sink, WritableByteChannel {
  Buffer buffer();
  BufferedSink writeInt(int i) throws IOException;
  BufferedSink writeString(String string, int beginIndex, int endIndex, Charset charset)
      throws IOException;

RealBufferedSink 和 RealBufferedSource

上面的 BufferedSourceBufferedSink 都还是接口,它们对应的实现类就是 RealBufferedSinkRealBufferedSource 了。

final class RealBufferedSource implements BufferedSource {
  public final Buffer buffer = new Buffer();
  @Override public String readString(Charset charset) throws IOException {
    if (charset == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("charset == null");
    return buffer.readString(charset);
final class RealBufferedSink implements BufferedSink {
  public final Buffer buffer = new Buffer();
  @Override public BufferedSink writeString(String string, int beginIndex, int endIndex,
      Charset charset) throws IOException {
    if (closed) throw new IllegalStateException("closed");
    buffer.writeString(string, beginIndex, endIndex, charset);
    return emitCompleteSegments();

RealBufferedSourceRealBufferedSink 内部都维护一个 Buffer 对象。里面的

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