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Akka(21): Stream:实时操控:人为中断-KillSwitch(一)
2017-10-09 13:27:34 】 浏览:7146
Tags:Akka Stream 实时 操控 人为 中断 -KillSwitch

  akka-stream是多线程non-blocking模式的,一般来说,运算任务提交到另外线程后这个线程就会在当前程序控制之外自由运行了。任何时候如果需要终止运行中的数据流就必须采用一种任务柄(handler)方式来控制在其它线程内运行的任务。这个handler可以在提交运算任务时获取。akka-stream提供了KillSwitch trait来支持这项功能:

/** * A [[KillSwitch]] allows completion of [[Graph]]s from the outside by completing [[Graph]]s of [[FlowShape]] linked * to the switch. Depending on whether the [[KillSwitch]] is a [[UniqueKillSwitch]] or a [[SharedKillSwitch]] one or * multiple streams might be linked with the switch. For details see the documentation of the concrete subclasses of * this interface. */
trait KillSwitch { /** * After calling [[KillSwitch#shutdown()]] the linked [[Graph]]s of [[FlowShape]] are completed normally. */ def shutdown(): Unit /** * After calling [[KillSwitch#abort()]] the linked [[Graph]]s of [[FlowShape]] are failed. */ def abort(ex: Throwable): Unit } //#kill-switch


object KillSwitches { /** * Creates a new [[SharedKillSwitch]] with the given name that can be used to control the completion of multiple * streams from the outside simultaneously. * * @see SharedKillSwitch */ def shared(name: String): SharedKillSwitch = new SharedKillSwitch(name) /** * Creates a new [[Graph]] of [[FlowShape]] that materializes to an external switch that allows external completion * of that unique materialization. Different materializations result in different, independent switches. * * For a Bidi version see [[KillSwitch#singleBidi]] */ def single[T]: Graph[FlowShape[T, T], UniqueKillSwitch] = UniqueKillSwitchStage.asInstanceOf[Graph[FlowShape[T, T], UniqueKillSwitch]] /** * Creates a new [[Graph]] of [[FlowShape]] that materializes to an external switch that allows external completion * of that unique materialization. Different materializations result in different, independent switches. * * For a Flow version see [[KillSwitch#single]] */ def singleBidi[T1, T2]: Graph[BidiShape[T1, T1, T2, T2], UniqueKillSwitch] = UniqueBidiKillSwitchStage.asInstanceOf[Graph[BidiShape[T1, T1, T2, T2], UniqueKillSwitch]] ...}


  val source = Source(Stream.from(1,2)).delay(1.second,DelayOverflowStrategy.backpressure) val sink = Sink.foreach(println) val killSwitch = source.viaMat(KillSwitches.single)(Keep.right).to(sink).run() scala.io.StdIn.readLine() killSwitch.shutdown() println("terminated!") actorSys.terminate()


killSwitch.abort(new RuntimeException("boom!"))

source是一个不停顿每秒发出一个数字的数据源。如上所述:必须把KillSwitch放在source和sink中间形成数据流完整链状。运算这个数据流时返回了handle killSwitch,我们可以使用这个killSwitch来shutdown或abort数据流运算。

KillSwitches.shared构建了一个SharedKillSwitch类型。这个类型可以被用来控制多个FlowShape Graph的终止运算。SharedKillSwitch类型里的flow方法可以返回终止运算的控制柄handler:

 /** * Returns a typed Flow of a requested type that will be linked to this [[SharedKillSwitch]] instance. By invoking * [[SharedKillSwitch#shutdown()]] or [[SharedKillSwitch#abort()]] all running instances of all provided [[Graph]]s by this * switch will be stopped normally or failed.
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