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ARM64启动汇编和内存初始化(上) --- (一)(七)
2023-07-23 13:25:41 】 浏览:130
Tags:ARM64 ---
fc00952f758 t next_pud ffffffc00952f75c t walk_pmds ffffffc00952f764 t do_pmd ffffffc00952f77c t next_pmd ffffffc00952f78c t skip_pmd ffffffc00952f79c t walk_ptes ffffffc00952f7a4 t do_pte ffffffc00952f7c8 t skip_pte ffffffc00952f7d8 t __idmap_kpti_secondary ffffffc00952f820 T __cpu_setup ffffffc00952f974 T __idmap_text_end //
  1. 假设虚拟地址位宽为48(我们定义的是CONFIG_ARM64_VA_BITS_48);
  2. 虚拟地址位宽(48)保存到X5寄存器;
  3. 把立即数VA_BITS_MIN(48)保存到全局变量vabits_actual中;
  4. 将__idmap_text_end的物理地址放到x5寄存器中,计算__idmap_text_end地址第一个1前0的个数。并判断__idmap_text_end地址是否超过VA_BITS_MIN所能表达的地址范围。其中TCR_T0SZ(VA_BITS_MIN) 表示TTBR0页表所能映射的大小,因为稍后我们创建的页表会填充到TTBR0寄存器里面
  5. 把PGD页表包含的页表项保存到x4寄存器中(2^9);
  6. 把__idmap_text_end的物理地址放到x6寄存器中;
  7. 调用map_memory宏来创建这段恒等映射的页表;

map_memory x0, x1, x3, x6, x7, x3, x4, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14
(1) x0 --- idmap_pg_dir
(2) x1 --- 无效值,会在map_memory中根据tbl的值重新计算
(3) x3 --- __idmap_text_start
(4) x6 --- __idmap_text_end
(6) x3 --- __idmap_text_start
(7) x4 --- idmap_ptrs_per_pgd

2.4.5 map_memory宏的解析


  • tbl : 页表起始地址(pgd)
  • rtbl : 下级页表起始地址(typically tbl + PAGE_SIZE)
  • vstart: 要映射虚拟地址的起始地址
  • vend : 要映射虚拟地址的结束地址
  • flags : 最后一级页表的属性
  • phys : 要映射物理地址的起始地址
  • flags : pgd entries个数
 * Map memory for specified virtual address range. Each level of page table needed supports
 * multiple entries. If a level requires n entries the next page table level is assumed to be
 * formed from n pages.
 *	tbl:	location of page table 页表起始地址(pgd)
 *	rtbl:	address to be used for first level page table entry (typically tbl + PAGE_SIZE)下级页表起始地址
 *	vstart:	virtual address of start of range 要映射虚拟地址的起始地址
 *	vend:	virtual address of end of range - we map [vstart, vend - 1]要映射虚拟地址的结束地址
 *	flags:	flags to use to map last level entries  最后一级页表的属性
 *	phys:	physical address corresponding to vstart - physical memory is contiguous 要映射物理地址的起始地址
 *	pgds:	the number of pgd entries :pgd entries个数
 * Temporaries:	istart, iend, tmp, count, sv - these need to be different registers
 * Preserves:	vstart, flags
 * Corrupts:	tbl, rtbl, vend, istart, iend, tmp, count, sv
	.macro map_memory, tbl, rtbl, vstart, vend, flags, phys, pgds, istart, iend, tmp, count, sv
	sub \vend, \vend, #1
	add \rtbl, \tbl, #PAGE_SIZE                                                      ---(1)
	mov \sv, \rtbl
	mov \count, #0
	compute_indices \vstart, \vend, #PGDIR_SHIFT, \pgds, \istart, \iend, \count      ---(2)
	populate_entries \tbl, \rtbl, \istart, \iend, #PMD_TYPE_TABLE, #PAGE_SIZE, \tmp  ---(3)
	mov \tbl, \sv
	mov \sv, \rtbl

#if SWAPPER_PGTABLE_LEVELS > 3    //我们这里不成立
	compute_indices \vstart, \vend, #PUD_SHIFT, #PTRS_PER_PUD, \istart, \iend, \count
	populate_entries \tbl, \rtbl, \istart, \iend, #PMD_TYPE_TABLE, #PAGE_SIZE, \tmp
	mov \tbl, \sv
	mov \sv, \rtbl

#if SWAPPER_PGTABLE_LEVELS > 2                                                           ---(4)        
	compute_indices \vstart, \vend, #SWAPPER_TABLE_SHIFT, #PTRS_PER_PMD, \istart, \iend, \count
	populate_entries \tbl, \rtbl, \istart, \iend, #PMD_TYPE_TABLE, #PAGE_SIZE, \tmp
	mov \tbl, \sv
	compute_indices \vstart, \vend, #SWAPPER_BLOCK_SHIFT, #PTRS_PER_PTE, \istart, \iend, \count  ---(5)    
	bic \count, \phys, #SWAPPER_BLOCK_SIZE - 1
	populate_entries \tbl, \count, \istart, \iend, \flags, #SWAPPER_BLOCK_SIZE, \tmp
  1. 计算PUD基地址,rtbl是下级页表地址:PUD = PGD+PAGE_SIZE

  2. compute_indices宏的功能:根据虚拟地址计算各级页表的索引值index

 * Compute indices of table entries from virt
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