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ARM64启动汇编和内存初始化(上) --- (一)(八)
2023-07-23 13:25:41 】 浏览:128
Tags:ARM64 ---
ual address range. If multiple entries * were needed in the previous page table level then the next page table level is assumed * to be composed of multiple pages. (This effectively scales the end index). * * vstart: virtual address of start of range * vend: virtual address of end of range - we map [vstart, vend] * shift: shift used to transform virtual address into index * ptrs: number of entries in page table * istart: index in table corresponding to vstart * iend: index in table corresponding to vend * count: On entry: how many extra entries were required in previous level, scales * our end index. * On exit: returns how many extra entries required for next page table level * * Preserves: vstart, vend, shift, ptrs * Returns: istart, iend, count */ .macro compute_indices, vstart, vend, shift, ptrs, istart, iend, count lsr \iend, \vend, \shift mov \istart, \ptrs sub \istart, \istart, #1 and \iend, \iend, \istart // iend = (vend >> shift) & (ptrs - 1) mov \istart, \ptrs mul \istart, \istart, \count add \iend, \iend, \istart // iend += count * ptrs // our entries span multiple tables lsr \istart, \vstart, \shift mov \count, \ptrs sub \count, \count, #1 and \istart, \istart, \count sub \count, \iend, \istart .endm
  1. populate_entries宏的功能:填充索引值index对应的页表项
 * Macro to populate page table entries, these entries can be pointers to the next level
 * or last level entries pointing to physical memory.
 *	tbl:	page table address
 *	rtbl:	pointer to page table or physical memory
 *	index:	start index to write
 *	eindex:	end index to write - [index, eindex] written to
 *	flags:	flags for pagetable entry to or in
 *	inc:	increment to rtbl between each entry
 *	tmp1:	temporary variable
 * Preserves:	tbl, eindex, flags, inc
 * Corrupts:	index, tmp1
 * Returns:	rtbl
	.macro populate_entries, tbl, rtbl, index, eindex, flags, inc, tmp1
.Lpe\@:	phys_to_pte \tmp1, \rtbl
	orr	\tmp1, \tmp1, \flags	// tmp1 = table entry
	str	\tmp1, [\tbl, \index, lsl #3]
	add	\rtbl, \rtbl, \inc	// rtbl = pa next level
	add	\index, \index, #1
	cmp	\index, \eindex
	b.ls	.Lpe\@
  1. 设置PUD页表项 ;
  2. 设置PMD页表项(因为我们用的是段映射,因此这里是最后一级,没有PTE);

2.4.6 创建内核image的映射

	 * Map the kernel image (starting with PHYS_OFFSET).
	adrp	x0, init_pg_dir                                               ---(1)     
	mov_q	x5, KIMAGE_VADDR		// compile time __va(_text)   ---(2)
	add	x5, x5, x23			// add KASLR displacement //x23 = __PHYS_OFFSET
	mov	x4, PTRS_PER_PGD
	adrp	x6, _end			// runtime __pa(_end)         ---(3)内核映像结束物理地址
	adrp	x3, _text			// runtime __pa(_text)        ---(4)内核映像起始物理地址
	sub	x6, x6, x3			// _end - _text                   //内核映像的大小
	add	x6, x6, x5			// runtime __va(_end)         ---(5)内核映像结束地址       

	map_memory x0, x1, x5, x6, x7, x3, x4, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14        ---(6)
  1. 这里是加载init_pg_dir的物理地址到x0寄存器,init_pg_dir是kernel image的映射使用的页表起始地址(与恒等映射不同),其定义在vmlinux.lds.S链接文件中。

	init_pg_dir = .;
	init_pg_end = .;
  1. 加载内核映像虚拟的起始地址KIMAGE_VADDR到x5寄存器,注意这里使用的是mov_q指令。KIMAGE_VADDR定义在vmlinux.lds.S链接文件中。
	. = KIMAGE_VADDR;  '内核映像虚拟的起始地址(在5.8内核之前这里为KIMAGE_VADDR + TEXT_OFFSET)'
	.head.text : {     '早期汇编代码的text段'
		_text = .; '入口地址'
		HEAD_TEXT   定义在include/asm-generic/vmlinux.lds.h'#define HEAD_TEXT  KEEP(*(.head.text))'
  1. 这里是加载内核映像结束物理地址到x3寄存器;
  2. 这里是加载内核映像起始物理地址到x6
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