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halcon/c++接口基础 之 HALCON图像变量类(一)
2016-09-03 16:03:00 】 浏览:1352
Tags:halcon/c 接口 基础 HALCON 图像 变量


Class HImage 处理图像 Class HRegion 处理区域 Class HXLD 处理多边形


一个region是图像平面坐标点的集合。这样一个区域不需要被连通,而且可能还有好多洞。a region可以比实际的图像大。区域在HALCON中可以用所谓的行程编码实现。类HRegion代表HALCON/C++中的一个区域。HRegion的成员函数如下(列举几个重要的):

默认构造器。创造一个空的region,即region的面积是0.并不是所有的算子都可以将空region作为输入参数,例如一些shape property 操作。 HRegion(const HRegion )
拷贝构造函数 HRegion &operator = (const HRegion )
赋值运算符 void Display(const HWindow &w) const


HRegion operator * (double scale) const
放缩区域到任何一个尺度。放缩中心为(0,0) HRegion operator + (const HDPoint2D &point) const
HRegion &operator += (const HDPoint2D &point)


HRegion operator >> (double radius) const
HRegion &operator >>= (double radius)
用一个圆腐蚀,同erosion_circle HRegion operator << (double radius) const
HRegion &operator <<= (double radius)
用一个圆膨胀,同 dilation_circle. HRegion &operator ++ (void)
用一个含有五个点的十字交叉去膨胀。 HRegion &operator -- (void)
用一个含有五个点的十字交叉去腐蚀。 HRegion operator + (const HRegion ) const
HRegion &operator += (const HRegion )
与另一个区域的Minkowsky 加和, 同 minkowski_add1. HRegion operator - (const HRegion ) const
HRegion &operator -= (const HRegion )
与另一个区域的Minkowsky 减法, 同 minkowski_sub1.


double Phi(void) const
一个等价的椭圆的角度,同 elliptic_axis. double Ra(void) const
一个区域的等价的椭圆的长半轴,同 elliptic_axis. double Rb(void) const
一个区域的等价的椭圆的短半轴,同elliptic_axis. long Area(void) const
区域的面积,即所包含的像素数,见 area_center. double X(void) const
double Y(void) const
区域的中心点坐标,见area_center. HRectangle1 SmallestRectangle1(void) const
区域的最小包围盒,此包围盒平行于坐标轴,同 smallest_rectangle1. HBool In(const HDPoint2D &p) const
检验一个点是否在区域内部,同 test_region_point. HBool IsEmpty(void) const;


 #include "HalconCpp.h"
using namespace Halcon;
void main()
    HImage     image("E:\\halcon\\images\\mreut.png");              // Reading an aerial image
    HRegion    region = image >= 190;       // Calculating a threshold
    HWindow    w;                           // Display window
    w.SetColor("red");                      // Set color for regions
    region.Display(w);                      // Display the region
    HRegion    filled = region.FillUp();    // Fill holes in region
    filled.Display(w);                      // Display the region
    // Opening: erosion followed by a dilation with a circle mask
    HRegion    open = (filled >> 4.5) << 4.5;
    w.SetColor("green");                    // Set color for regions
    open.Display(w);                        // Display the region
    HDPoint2D  trans(-100, -150);            // Vector for translation
    HRegion    moved = open + trans;       // Translation
    HRegion    zoomed = moved * 2.0;        // Zooming the region

First, an aerial image (mreut.png) is read from a file. All pixels with a gray value ≥ 190 are selected. This results in one region (region). This region is transformed by the next steps: All holes in the region are filled (FillUp), small parts of the region are eliminated by two morphological operations, first an erosion, a kind of shrinking the region, followed by a dilation, a kind of enlarging the region. The last step is the zooming of the region. For that the region is first shifted by a translation vector ( 100, 150) to the upper left corner and then zoomed by the factor two. Figure 6.2 shows the input image and the result of the opening operation.

Region Arrays


long Num(void)
数列的个数,最大序号是Num() 1. HRegion const &operator [] (long index) const
读取数组的第i个元素,序号是 0 … Num() 1. HRegion &operator [] (long index)
将一个region赋值给区域的第j个元素,The index index can be ≥ Num(). HRegionArray operator () (long min, long max) const
选取介于min与max之间的数据 HRegionArray &Append(const HRegion )
将一个region附加到region array的后面

许多接受region的算子都接受region array作为输入参数。如形态学操作。


#include "HalconCpp.h"
using namespace Halcon;
void main()
    HImage        image("E:\\halcon\\images\\control_unit.png
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