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同步FIFO design and IP level verification(三)
2019-09-23 11:16:56 】 浏览:318
Tags:同步 FIFO design and level verification
_data = tr.data_packet[wr_num]; 93 wr_num++; 94 end 95 else begin 96 wr_en = 0; 97 wr_data = tr.data_packet[wr_num]; 98 end 99 #(CYC*1); 100 end 101 wr_en = 0; 102 endtask 103 104 task Transcation::rd_oper; 105 uint32 rd_num; 106 $display("Read: %d",dp.len_r); 107 @(posedge clk); 108 #1; 109 #(dp.interval*CYC); 110 while(rd_num < dp.len_r)begin 111 if(~rd_empty)begin 112 rd_en = 1; 113 rd_num++; 114 end 115 else 116 rd_en = 0; 117 #(CYC*1); 118 end 119 rd_en = 0; 120 endtask 121 122 task Transcation::wr_rd_operation; 123 tr.data_packet = new[dp.len_w]; 124 $display("len_w = %d, len_r = %d, inverval = %d",dp.len_w,dp.len_r,dp.interval); 125 foreach(tr.data_packet[i])begin 126 tr.data_packet[i] = i+1; 127 //$display(tr.data_packet[i]); 128 end 129 fork 130 wri_oper; 131 rd_oper; 132 join 133 endtask 134 135 function void Transcation::ref_gen(ref uint32 q_ref_data[$]); 136 integer j; 137 foreach(q_len[i])begin 138 for(j=0;j<q_len[i];j++)begin 139 q_ref_data = {q_ref_data,j+1}; 140 end 141 end 142 endfunction 143 144 class Scoreboard; 145 uint32 total_num,error_num = 0; 146 147 function compare(ref uint32 q_data[$],ref uint32 q_ref[$]); 148 uint32 comp_num; 149 uint32 i; 150 uint32 data_len,ref_len; 151 status_e status; 152 data_len = $size(q_data); 153 ref_len = $size(q_ref); 154 $display("The lengths of q_data and q_ref are %d,%d",$size(q_data),$size(q_ref)); 155 if(data_len >= ref_len) 156 comp_num = ref_len; 157 else 158 comp_num = data_len; 159 total_num = comp_num; 160 for(i=0;i<comp_num;i++)begin 161 if(q_data[i] != q_ref[i])begin 162 error_num++; 163 $display("The %dth data is different between the two!",i); 164 status = false; 165 return status; 166 end 167 end 168 status = true; 169 return status; 170 endfunction 171 endclass 172 173 //Descriptor dp; 174 Transcation tr; 175 Scoreboard sb; 176 177 //main 178 initial begin 179 //int status; 180 status_e status; 181 wr_en = 0; 182 rd_en = 0; 183 wr_data = 0; 184 #1; 185 #(2*CYC); 186 repeat(2)begin 187 tr = new(); 188 tr.wr_rd_operation; 189 #(50*CYC); 190 end 191 #20; 192 tr.ref_gen(tr.q_ref_data); 193 194 //soreboard 195 sb = new(); 196 status = sb.compare(tr.q_rd_data,tr.q_ref_data); 197 if(status == true) 198 $display("Simulation success!"); 199 else 200 $display("Simulation filure!"); 201 $stop; 202 end 203 204 //save readed data 205 initial begin 206 forever begin 207 @(posedge clk); 208 `ifdef FW 209 if(rd_en) 210 `else 211 if(rd_en_t) 212 `endif 213 tr.q_rd_data = {tr.q_rd_data,rd_data}; 214 end 215 end 216 217 always@(posedge clk)begin 218 rd_en_t <= rd_en; 219 end 220 221 fifo_sync 222 #(.D_W(D_W), 223 .LOG_2_DEPTH(8),//256 224 .MODE(MODE) 225 )uut 226 ( 227 .clk (clk), 228 .rst_n (rst_n), 229 .wr_en (wr_en), 230 .wr_data (wr_data), 231 .rd_en (rd_en), 232 .rd_data (rd_data), 233 .wr_full (wr_full), 234 .rd_empty (rd_empty) 235 ); 236 237 endmodule:testbench testbench.sv


  不得不说大多EDA工具确实没有IT行业的开发工具友好,用起来着实费了一番功夫。VCS这一仿真工具有自己的GUI debug tool,但功能不够强大。这里我们使用Verdi来debug。在上一节的SV代码中有一段fsdb的代码是专门产生Verdi波形文件的。因SV本身并没有这两个

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