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Self Service Password 密码策略(四)
2019-10-09 20:05:49 】 浏览:158
Tags:Self Service Password 密码 策略
你第一次坐飞机是去哪里?"; $messages['questions']['Q6'] = "你的理想工作是什么?"; $messages['questions']['Q7'] = "你拥有的第一辆车是什么型号?"; $messages['questions']['Q8'] = "你童年时代的绰号是什么?"; $messages['questions']['Q9'] = "你的第一个上司叫什么名字?"; $messages['questions']['Q10'] = "您最喜欢哪个球队?"; ## Token # Use tokens? # true (default) # false $use_tokens = true; //启用邮件修改密码功能 # Crypt tokens? # true (default) # false $crypt_tokens = true; //是否保持会话标识符,就是令牌生命周期 # Token lifetime in seconds $token_lifetime = "3600"; //保持会话标识符时长(秒) ## Mail # LDAP mail attribute $mail_attribute = "wWWHomePage"; //LDAP用户存储邮箱地址字段 # Get mail address directly from LDAP (only first mail entry) # and hide mail input field # default = false $mail_address_use_ldap = false; //是否直接从LDAP获取邮件地址并隐藏邮件输入字段 # Who the email should come from $mail_from = "service@xxxx.cn"; //定义邮件发件人地址 $mail_from_name = "Service"; //定义邮件发件人名称 $mail_signature = ""; //定义邮件发件人签名 # Notify users anytime their password is changed $notify_on_change = true; //定义更改密码时是否通知用户 # PHPMailer configuration (see https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer) //设置PHPMailer的所有参数 $mail_sendmailpath = '/usr/sbin/sendmail'; $mail_protocol = 'smtp'; $mail_smtp_debug = 0; $mail_debug_format = 'html'; $mail_smtp_host = 'mail.xxxx.cn'; $mail_smtp_auth = true; $mail_smtp_user = 'service@xxxx.cn'; $mail_smtp_pass = 'xxxxxx'; $mail_smtp_port = 587; $mail_smtp_timeout = 30; $mail_smtp_keepalive = false; $mail_smtp_secure = 'tls'; $mail_smtp_autotls = true; $mail_contenttype = 'text/plain'; $mail_wordwrap = 0; $mail_charset = 'utf-8'; $mail_priority = 3; $mail_newline = PHP_EOL; ## SMS # Use sms $use_sms = true; //启用短信修改密码功能 # SMS method (mail, api) $sms_method = "api"; //定义使用哪种方法发送短信 $sms_api_lib = "lib/smsapi.inc.php"; //API脚本配置 # GSM number attribute $sms_attribute = "mobile"; //LDAP用户存储手机号码字段 # Partially hide number $sms_partially_hide_number = true; //页面是否部分隐藏号码 # Send SMS mail to address $smsmailto = "{sms_attribute}@service.provider.com"; //定义使用mail方法发送短信时发送短信到的邮件地址 # Subject when sending email to SMTP to SMS provider $smsmail_subject = "Provider code"; //定义向SMTP提供商发送电子邮件时的主题 # Message $sms_message = "{smsresetmessage} {smstoken}"; //定义消息模板 # Remove non digit characters from GSM number $sms_sanitize_number = false; //从手机号码中删除非数字字符 # Truncate GSM number $sms_truncate_number = false; //是否截断手机号码 $sms_truncate_number_length = 10; # SMS token length $sms_token_length = 6; //短信验证码长度 # Max attempts allowed for SMS token $max_attempts = 3; //单个短信验证码重试次数 # Encryption, decryption keyphrase, required if $crypt_tokens = true # Please change it to anything long, random and complicated, you do not have to remember it # Changing it will also invalidate all previous tokens and SMS codes $keyphrase = "xxxxxx"; //密钥短语,如果$crypt_tokens = true则需要更改为任何内容,不必记住它,更改它也会使所有以前的令牌和短信代码无效。 # Reset URL (if behind a reverse proxy) #$reset_url = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'] . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; //默认情况下,重置密码URL使用服务器名称和端口计算的,但如果应用背后是一个反向代理,这些值可能是错误的。在这种情况下,你可以自己设置网址 # D
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