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2017-06-21 10:22:40 】 浏览:607
Tags:< atomic> 使用
do { x = foo.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); // get value atomically } while (x == 0); std::cout << "foo: " << x << '\n'; } int test_atomic_load() { // atomic::load: Returns the contained value. // The operation is atomic and follows the memory ordering specified by sync. std::thread first(print_foo); std::thread second(set_foo, 10); first.join(); second.join(); return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // reference: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/atomic/atomic/operator=/ std::atomic foo_ = 0; void set_foo_(int x) { foo_ = x; } void print_foo_() { while (foo_ == 0) { // wait while foo_=0 std::this_thread::yield(); } std::cout << "foo_: " << foo_ << '\n'; } int test_atomic_operator() { // atomic::operator=: Replaces the stored value by val. // This operation is atomic and uses sequential consistency (memory_order_seq_cst). // To modify the value with a different memory ordering std::thread first(print_foo_); std::thread second(set_foo_, 10); first.join(); second.join(); return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // reference: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/atomic/atomic/store/ int test_atomic_store() { // atomic::store: Replaces the contained value with val. // The operation is atomic and follows the memory ordering specified by sync. std::thread first(print_foo); std::thread second(set_foo, 10); first.join(); second.join(); return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // reference: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/atomic/atomic_flag/clear/ std::atomic_flag lock_stream = ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT; std::stringstream stream; void append_number(int x) { while (lock_stream.test_and_set()) {} stream << "thread #" << x << '\n'; lock_stream.clear(); } int test_atomic_flag_atomic_clear() { // atomic_flag::clear: Clears the atomic_flag (i.e., sets it to false) //Clearing the atomic_flag makes the next call to member atomic_flag::test_and_set on this object return false. // The operation is atomic and follows the memory ordering specified by sync. // atomic_flag::test_and_set: Sets the atomic_flag and returns whether it was already set immediately before the call // The entire operation is atomic (an atomic read-modify-write operation): the value is not affected by other threads // between the instant its value is read (to be returned) and the moment it is modified by this function. std::vector threads; for (int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) threads.push_back(std::thread(append_number, i)); for (auto& th : threads) th.join(); std::cout << stream.str(); return 0; } } // namespace atomic


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