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在 R 中估计 GARCH 参数存在的问题(四)
2019-08-15 00:10:00 】 浏览:485
Tags:估计 GARCH 参数 存在 问题
## <environment: 0xa636ba4> ## [data = x] ## ## Conditional Distribution: ## QMLE ## ## Coefficient(s): ## omega alpha1 beta1 ## 0.20692 0.13862 0.13387 ## ## Std. Errors: ## robust ## ## Error Analysis: ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) ## omega 0.20692 0.05102 4.056 5e-05 *** ## alpha1 0.13862 0.04928 2.813 0.00491 ** ## beta1 0.13387 0.18170 0.737 0.46128 ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## Log Likelihood: ## -782.211 normalized: -0.782211 ## ## Description: ## Thu Nov 2 13:01:14 2017 by user:


例如,当我在前 500 个数据点上拟合模型时,我能得到什么呢?

    data = x[1:500], cond.dist = "QMLE", include.mean = FALSE)
## Series Initialization:
##  ARMA Model:                arma
##  Formula Mean:              ~ arma(0, 0)
##  GARCH Model:               garch
##  Formula Variance:          ~ garch(1, 1)
##  ARMA Order:                0 0
##  Max ARMA Order:            0
##  GARCH Order:               1 1
##  Max GARCH Order:           1
##  Maximum Order:             1
##  Conditional Dist:          QMLE
##  h.start:                   2
##  llh.start:                 1
##  Length of Series:          500
##  Recursion Init:            mci
##  Series Scale:              0.5498649
## Parameter Initialization:
##  Initial Parameters:          $params
##  Limits of Transformations:   $U, $V
##  Which Parameters are Fixed?  $includes
##  Parameter Matrix:
##                      U           V params includes
##     mu     -0.33278068   0.3327807    0.0    FALSE
##     omega   0.00000100 100.0000000    0.1     TRUE
##     alpha1  0.00000001   1.0000000    0.1     TRUE
##     gamma1 -0.99999999   1.0000000    0.1    FALSE
##     beta1   0.00000001   1.0000000    0.8     TRUE
##     delta   0.00000000   2.0000000    2.0    FALSE
##     skew    0.10000000  10.0000000    1.0    FALSE
##     shape   1.00000000  10.0000000    4.0    FALSE
##  Index List of Parameters to be Optimized:
##  omega alpha1  beta1
##      2      3      5
##  Persistence:                  0.9
## --- START OF TRACE ---
## Selected Algorithm: nlminb
## R coded nlminb Solver:
##   0:     706.37230: 0.100000 0.100000 0.800000
##   1:     706.27437: 0.103977 0.100309 0.801115
##   2:     706.19091: 0.104824 0.0972295 0.798477
##   3:     706.03116: 0.112782 0.0950253 0.797812
##   4:     705.77389: 0.122615 0.0858136 0.788169
##   5:     705.57316: 0.134608 0.0913105 0.778144
##   6:     705.43424: 0.140011 0.0967118 0.763442
##   7:     705.19541: 0.162471 0.102711 0.739827
##   8:     705.16325: 0.166236 0.0931680 0.737563
##   9:     705.09943: 0.168962 0.100977 0.731085
##  10:     704.94924: 0.203874 0.0958205 0.702986
##  11:     704.78210: 0.223975 0.108606 0.664678
##  12:     704.67414: 0.250189 0.122959 0.630886
##  13:     704.60673: 0.276532 0.131788 0.595346
##  14:     704.52185: 0.335952 0.146435 0.520961
##  15:     704.47725: 0.396737 0.157920 0.448557
##  16:     704.46540: 0.442499 0.164111 0.396543
##  17:     704.46319: 0.440935 0.161566 0.400606
##  18:     704.46231: 0.442951 0.159225 0.400940
##  19:     704.46231: 0.443022 0.159284 0.400863
##  20:     704.46230: 0.443072 0.159363 0.400851
##  21:     704.46230: 0.443112 0.159367 0.400807
## Final Estimate of the Negative LLH:
##  LLH:  405.421    norm LLH:  0.810842
##     omega    alpha1     beta1
## 0.1339755 0.1593669 0.4008074
## R-optimhess Difference Approximated Hessian Matrix:
##            omega     alpha1      beta1
## omega  -8491.005 -1863.4127 -2488.5700
## alpha1 -1863.413  -685.6071  -585.4327
## beta1  -2488.570  -585.4327  -744.1593
## attr(,"time")
## Time difference of 0.02322888 secs
## --- END OF TRACE ---
## Time to Estimate Parameters:
##  Time difference of 0.1387401 secs
## Title:
##  GARCH Modelling
## Call:
##  garchFit(data = x[1:500], cond.dist = "QMLE", include.mean = FALSE)
## Mean and Variance E
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